2.2 Branch?

• May 5, 2017 - 20:33

In issue #196566: "Save online" doesn't work properly for scores in "Continuous View" the comment #5 says "Fixed in branch 2.2,"

Does this mean there are plans to possibly release another interim version prior to 3.0? Since 3.0 is in such an early state still, I believe that is probably a good idea. Rather than about 100 users testing it, we will be able to get feed back from 1,000's of users who find issues through daily use. There are already quite a few open issues still in the 2.1-dev list.


I have no doubt that a 2.2 release would be welcome, but all the time we spend making it a reality put MuseScore 3 even further. Then if we would release a 2.2 version, we will create a 2.3 branch and so on and so forth. So the plan for now it's to focus all development to the master branch. Let's see if we need to revise the plan in the future.

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That is what I suspected. Someone on another thread asked about an update before 3.0 and I told them that you would probably try to avoid another release before 3.0. I didn't know the branches were automatically started by you once a release was finalized. I would prefer 3.0 to be released next, but I think there are enough bugs in 2.1, especially with sounds, that I don't think it would be wise to wait 2 years for 3.0.

are there any release notes / change list for 2.2 branch?

I just saw it existed so I downloaded it, but can't find any information on what changed.

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