Changing Display -> Show {Invisible|Unprintable|Frames|Page Margins} doesn't mark score dirty

• Feb 7, 2013 - 11:14
S4 - Minor

The settings for Menu -> Display -> Show {Invisible|Unprintable|Frames|Page Margins} are not remembered accross MuseScore starts. The first 3 are allways on, the last always off.

Other settings in Menu -> Display are remembered, so these should too.

It is somewhat questionable whether this is a bug report or a feature request, esp. because 1.2 handles it the same way (for Show Invisible and Show Frames, the other 2 don't exist there), but I'd rather call it bug for now.

Oh, this is 697eab5 on WinXP SP3


Show {Invisible|Unprintable|Frames|Page Margins} are properties of the score while the others (Display Mixer, synth etc...) are properties of MuseScore UI.

So if you save a file with these first flags, and open again, they should be kept.
Does it make sense?

Hmm, a) I'm not sure these *should be* properties of the score and b) changing them doesn't mark the score 'dirty' or modified nor does ask you to save it when closing MuseScore (again: not in 1.2 nor the current nightly build)

Title Display -> Show {Invisible|Unprintable|Frames|Page Margins} are not remembered accross MuseScore starts Chaning Display -> Show {Invisible|Unprintable|Frames|Page Margins} doesn't mark score dirty

OK, so with these settings being a sore property, it is probably way to late and cumbersome to get that changed, so lets concentrate on the the bug regarding the dirty flag

Title Chaning Display -> Show {Invisible|Unprintable|Frames|Page Margins} doesn't mark score dirty Changing Display -> Show {Invisible|Unprintable|Frames|Page Margins} doesn't mark score dirty