More flexible dynamic

• Feb 21, 2013 - 07:53

May be it's not right in formal academic way, but it's very useful during life-real detailed work with a complex-dynamic sheet.

1) Opportunity to set dynamic designation as f(forte) to single note or chord. Sometimes sforzato isn't enough for me.
2) Own crescendo and diminuendo for note groups in different clefs is already complete if i don't mistake.


Not sure what you're asking here. You can attach a dynamic to a single note already. Are you saying you want the effect on playback to only be for that note as well? That's just not how music notation works, so no human musician ading the score would understand the "f" to apply to just that note, either. If you want it to get softer after that note, you need to add a dynamic to the mext note as well to tell musicians when you want it to get quieter again. MuseScore is, after all, first an foremost a program designed to produce sheet music for human consumption.

There are other ways of getting a single note to be played louder, though. The accent mark (looks like a "less than" symbol in the articulations palette) makes just one note louder - not just in Musescore, but to human musicians as well. And if you've already put in the correct dynamics markings in terms of what a human musician would need to see, but you wish MuseScore's own playback made that one note even louder, you cam do that by increasing its velocity in Note Properties (right click menu; first set type to Ser, then turn up elocity to whatever value you want, 1-127). So if you don't care about human musicians and just wish to fiddle with MuseScore's playback, that's one way to do it. A better way is to export it as MIDI and then massage the data using a MIDI sequencer - a program that is designed first and foremost to be about comuter playback.

I defimitely don't understand what you mean by #2.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I looking exactly for human consumption variant and your explaination above is right - for example set "f" for that note and set "mf" to note after that. This way i can distinguish one note or group of notes. I would be satisfied with this, but got a problem. This "f" will add volume to note/group of notes in treble clef and bass clef too. But if i want to set this "f" for notes only in treble clef, what i have to do?

I defimitely don't understand what you mean by #2.
The same feature with "crescendo" and "diminuendo" signatures from "lineament" pallete. For example to set "crescendo" lineament for group of notes only in treble clef.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I found only this info by "crescendo" lineament.

1) So how it is set to part if dotted line during i set it is tied to only note - only in treble staff or in bass staff. What the way if i want to set it to part? It has no any MIDI properties.

2) Next see the attached score with simple test. "Crescendo" lineament doesn't work. I got loudly only last note with "ff", no any changes from pp to ff, no any changes totaly at crescendo lineament.

WinXP, MS 1.2

Attachment Size
dynamic_test.mscz 1.8 KB

In reply to by Kolridg

Crescendo has no playback effect at all in MuseScore 1.2. Remember, playback is definitely secondary in priority when developing features. There is a plugin you can install that will allow crescendos to play back after a fashion (no change in volume after a note starts, but each note starts louder than the last). Once you install the plugin (see menu at right of this page), select the region starting with the pp note and ending with the ff note, then run the plugin. Works very nicely for what it does.

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