TAB revisited (w.i.p.)

• Mar 6, 2013 - 12:41

After much indecision, having consulted with a few friends and looked at many internet samples, I decided to do a major change to TAB implementation, specifically affecting the option "Stems through staves".

I am convinced that, if this option is used rather than the other possibilities -- "No stems" ('simple' tab style) or "Stems beside staves" (schematic indication of rhythm) --, the user has more sophisticated needs than what the current implementation allows. So, I'm changing this option to arrange the staff content in much the same way as for pitched staves, but with fret marks instead of note heads and, of course, with a variable number of lines and line space.

This shows where I am now. Obviously there are still some issues with beam and hook positions, but it should make the goal rather clear (sorry for the large image; details are important):


Of course, comments and suggestions are welcome.





I thought the image was actually not big enough :).

Could you post another and a mscz? I think it would be useful in testing things.

Just to cross-reference, this was discussed before.

A few more screen shots of the new TAB organisation for the "Stems through staves" option. There are still some issues with appoggiaturas, I'm going to post a pull request in github anyway; incremental improvements may follow.

(Note: this does not include the changes to stem betwen notes and time sig. position; they will be separate pull requests.)

A score:


..and a detail of it:


A detail of the score shown in the previous post:


In reply to by aum7

If you do not wish to use the treble8 staff, then you need to set up the guitar to be a transposing instrument, becuase it *does* in fact sound an octave lower than written. If it is set up as a transposing instrument, then you will see the actual sounding pitches with Concert Pitch turned on, or the version guitarists are used to seeing (everything written an ocave higher than it acually sounds) with Concert Pitch off. Not sure how the score was set or if there is so,e point at which that should have happened automatically. I sort of think there should two entries for all guitars in the instrument list, or at least an option in the instrument selectipn dialog, to control which way it is set up. But I suspect that won't be a popular idea.

Fwiw, in my experience, some publishers use the treble8 staff, others do not. I kind of suspect it's more traditipnal not to, but ever since Finale came out and established this as the easier way of doing things, it's become more common. But that's just a guess.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Finale 2012 has two instruments Guitar and Guitar (8vb). The Jazz band template contains one guitar and no 8vb clef.

Sibelius has a guitar template and not 8vb. Sibelius has dozens of guitars, I can't find one with 8vb...

I wonder if we should make guitar a transposing instrument instead and I wonder if we didn't have this discussion already. I have a sort of deja vu.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Finale and Sibelius has totally different concepts of how octave clefs should work. For Finale, the clef does the transposing for you, just as it does in MuseScore (or, looked at another way, it's just a clef with middle C located high on the staff). For Sibelius, the 8 is purely decorative - you need to set up the transposing separately.

One issue that may have prevented MuseScore from using transposition rather than octave clefs in the past: if you have the music displayed transposed in ordinary treble clef when transposing, that's fine, but then you still end up with tons of ledger lines with concert pitch *off* unless you allow the octave clef to be used when concert pitch is off, regular treble clef with concert pitch on. That wasn't possibly until recently. And this discussion may have come up as that feature was being added.

... makes dotted notes appear strange on Tablature staff. Dots are overlaping with fret numbers.
Please see attached files.

Other than that, this work came from a real CodeMaster, it works smooth (notes editing by dragging them up or down). Bow!

I love it.
Attached is pdf file with screenshots, and .mscz file, plus my Style file, which uses Cambria font for ALL text.

Thumbs Up!


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