Notes too high in Musescore

• Mar 7, 2013 - 01:17

As I am writing out a duet, I came across the dilemma that when I put a note that's more that 3 lines above the staff, it puts the note on the line above it. Is there a way you can increase the space between two parts in Musescore?


Hi -

I assume that your parts are on two separate staffs and the low notes on the upper staff interfere with the high notes on the lower staff. Is that correct? If not, please clarify.

Try using a spacer between the two staffs. You can find this in the Breaks & Spacer palette. The spacer looks like an "I".

Drag the green spacer onto the upper staff and drop it there. It will settle between the two staffs. Now double-click on it. It will turn blue with a little square at the bottom. Drag the blue square down and the two staffs will be further apart.


In reply to by Fifist

If you do not want to alter the size of the score:
When a note is captured other staff:
Place the note on the staff desired;
Then with the arrow keys, bring the desired height.

Sounds from your description like you must be using the mouse to enter notes? This isn't very efficient, for this and other reasons. You might want to read to Handbook section on Note entry to see how to enter notes usng the comouter keyboard, whch is not only faster overall, but it also avoids this problem completely,

But for the record, spacers as mentined above are indeed one way to add space Between two given staves should you really need it - but this only affects that system. More likely, youd want to change this spacing globally, which you can do by Sttyle / edit general style / page / staff distance, But doing this just to avoid issues entering high or low notes would be a bad idea. Why mess up the appearance of your music for no reason? Instead, simply enter notes with the keyboard, or at least, using the method mentined above where you click an octave away from where you want then use ctrl-up/down to shift octave.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc -

As you can see from the attached score for an old hymn, it is sometimes necessary to have the staffs a little further apart than the default value. I have used the spacers to do that, but it is not possible to have them all the same length, as they have to be set "by eye", so this is not an ideal solution.

I tried changing the Style -> Edit General Style -> Page -> Staff distance value from its default of 6.5sp to something much larger, but it had no effect, even when I closed the program and re-opened the score.

I suspect that this might be the same kind of issue that was recently discussed regarding changing the font for the instrument names, but I'm not sure of that.


Attachment Size
WeAreOutOnTheOceanSailing-test.mscz 3.69 KB

In reply to by Fifist

The reason staff distance doesn't affect your score is that your score actually has only one part, not two. That is, it is a single instrument that happens to have two staves, not two instruments. In that case, you need to adjust Accolade distance. I think we,d all agree this is not an intuitive term, but I guess it is technically correct and in more common use in some other languages.

So, the three different distances you can set are:

System distance - distance between systems

Staff distance - distance between instruments within a single system

Accolade distance - distance between staves within a single instrument

Of these, System distance is the one that is automatically adjusted upwards if the page exceeds the Page Fill Threshold. Which is to say, MuseScore adds more space than requested between systems if the page is "almost" full, and thus chanes to this parameter won't be noticed if the page fill has been engaged - unless you change it so much that it chanes the number of sustems that fit on the page.

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