Lyrics above staff

• Jul 16, 2009 - 15:47

To be able to type lyrics above staves, instead of below them. This is useful if you have two parts on one staff.


It should be possible, if you change Style -> Edit text style -> Y. And put a negative value.
In r1926, it does not work. Maybe it's broken, or not coded yet. I don't have a 0.9.4 to test.
It works for dynamics.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I am using version 0.9.4. I can't even change the offset at all. And besides, I would like to be able to have some lyrics above the staff, and some below (one for each voice). I would guess your method would change all the lyrics, thus making ALL lyrics above the staff. Something as simple as this would work: Use control + L to create the first word, then drag that word up above the staff, where you would keep typing above the staff. As of now (0.9.4), the lyrics will go back below the staff if you keep typing. Then there is the problem of the unneeded space that Muse Score creates to make room for lyrics below the staff.

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