Adding 'Bars Within Bars'

• May 23, 2017 - 09:07

I'm doing some transcription work and I need to notate a situation where only one bar in a repeated section is different from the rest. It's not at the end, so voltas won't cut it, and it'd be a shame to waste so much space writing out the whole thing again. I attempted this using another voice and moving the notes over, but the ledger lines drag and they are uneditable; in addition, do we really need to use weird slurs to make parenthesis?? Trying to find any sort of viable way to do this.

Attached is an image of this done in a score book, where it shows how to play a bass line the first time around, as well as the 2nd + D.S. times; as well as my attempt at this sort of idea.


You can use staff text for the parenthesis rather than slurs. There is nothing you can do about MuseScore playback of this though.

I would discourage you from doing things this way if you expect anyone else to read it. Guaranteed train wreck as people try to decipher what you meant. If it's just for your own study purposes, then sure, go ahead. Enter as two separate measures, then either use Edit / Tools / Join Measures to combine them, or perhaps mark the barline invisible (click, press "V"). And enter parents as staff text (Ctrl+T) or via the Symbols palette ("Z").

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