Staff Text font size discrepancy

• Mar 20, 2013 - 15:51
S4 - Minor
by design

I am using version 1.2 and when I change the font size from the Create / Text / Staff Text drop down menu, everything changes fine and I get the font size that I am looking for. But when I try to globally change the Staff Text font size from the Style / Edit Text Style / Staff drop down menu the actual text font size comes out 1 size larger than what I change it to in the drop down menu. For example if I change the Staff Text globally to 13 and then go into my chart and create new Staff Text, it comes out as font size 14.


Don't assign to yourself, if you don't plan to fix it yourself
Upgrade to 1.3 (which, ti the best of my knowledg doesn't help for this issue though). 1.x is know to have issues with these kind of text properties.
Verify that your problem still exists in the nightly builds. Only those will received bug fixes and one day become version 2.0.

Status (old) needs info by design

This is normal if you (or whatever template you might have started from) have turned up the scaling factor in Layout / Page Settings. Otherwise, text wouldn't automatically scale as you changed staff sizes.

If you have a case where you think there is a discrepancy not explained by this, feel free to reopen, but be sure attach a score that demonstrates the problem and describe the exact steps to reproduce it.