I need Help, please

• Apr 4, 2013 - 22:42

A friend give me an score for transcribe in musescore, i found some notes can't put with musescore, I indicate these notes with arrows in a scanned, please really need your help, sorry for my poor english,
bless img040.jpg

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img040.jpg 128.9 KB


See Grace note for the small notes in the first three measures. The last two arrows just seem to be pointing to normal notes he happened to have drawn a little smaller than usual, apparently by mistake.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ok, thanks Marc, the last two narrows pointing smallest notes, in the score i don't play these notes because it`s only guide for me (these notes are optional for play for me because its played for a trumpet) in the original score so is drawed and repeated sometimes (i scanned only a fragment). I need to draw these smallest notes in musescore, Thanks for all you make for the comunity.

In reply to by Lorenz2110

You can experiment with this attached file. Drag one or more grace notes from the left grace note palette onto a note in the score (or highlight the note and double click on grace note in the palette). Use up and down arrows (or drag) to position the grace note on the staff. I put an octave grace note on the second note of the second measure as you mentioned. It's difficult to tell what you actually want. For more clarity, you can send a scanned jpg image of some "old tyme" manuscript paper onto which you have penned exactly what you want MuseScore to render.
You might also consider the articulations and ornaments palette, if that might be helpful.

Attachment Size
grace notes.mscz 2.16 KB

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