Trying to plug my Yamaha Motif ES8 into Musescore

• Apr 24, 2013 - 21:36
S4 - Minor

I am trying to plug my Yamaha Motif ES8 into Musescore so I can play on my piano and it will come up on Musescore. I plugged a chord from my Motif to my Lenovo Windows 8 laptop and I don't really know what to do from there. Sorry I am new at this.


please don' use the issue tracker for support requests, use the forum instead, don't assign to yourself unless you plan to provide a fix yourself and use critical for crashes and score corruption only

Title Trying to plug my Yamaha Motif ES8 into Musescore Trying to plug my Yamaha Motif6 into Musescore
Status (old) closed active

Trying to figure out how to connect Musescore to my (embarrassingly outdated) Motif 6. Followed the instructions to no avail:-((

Title Trying to plug my Yamaha Motif6 into Musescore Trying to plug my Yamaha Motif ES8 into Musescore
Status (old) active closed

Same reply as to the OP almost 2 years ago.