Text style of header is not applied

• May 6, 2013 - 11:54
S4 - Minor

To change the font size of page numbers, after having moved them (the $p) into the header, you'd have to alter the font size for the footer.
To change it's position, you'd have to chnage them in the header settings though (as to be expected)

See http://musescore.org/en/node/20908#comment-78402 for a description and images on how to reproduce the issue


I'm not asking for steps to reproduce to be a pain. They are really helpful. It took me 10 minutes to reproduce without steps from scratch, trying to find out what is changed in each dialog... so here are the steps.

  1. Create a new score
  2. Go to style -> General style -> Header footer
  3. delete $p from footer. Enable the header on the first page, and add $p on even and odd page. OK.
  4. The page number is now in the header.
  5. Go to Style -> Text -> Header and change font size

Expected result: the page number in the header gets the new font size
Actual result: the page number in the header is not changed.

  1. Go to Style -> text -> Footer and change the font size

The page number in the header is changed!

Title Changing font size of page numbers, doesn't work as one would expect, if moved into the header Text style of header is not applied