When will the Musescore 2 come out?

• Jul 3, 2013 - 12:07

When will the Musescore 2 come out?


The official reply is: "When it's ready"

There is still quite a bit to do to be able to release as stable in the same way that 1.3 is.

Having said that though, the nightly versions now being produced are not as prone to crashing as they were.

Things are starting to come together and the possibility of a stable release is now within sight.

What will help to speed that process is more people using the Nightly Builds to test MuseScore 2 and find bugs.

What will help speed it even more is more people wiling to compile their own builds, and help with fixing some of these bugs.

Some of the work needing to be done does not require programming skills - such things as adding instruments to the instrument definition list, and providing new templates for use with MuseScore 2 require no knowledge of C++ programming.

So, please, if you have some time to spare for helping to get MuseScore2 properly up and running, seriously think about doing so.

Using a Nightly or self-compiled Build has no impact on your 1.3 installation - the two versions will happily coexist independently of each other on your system.

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