.mscz files showing as .zip

• Nov 12, 2013 - 12:21

Recently, I seem to have lost the ability to merely click on an attached .mscz file in the forum, and have it open directly in MuseScore. I either have to:
1. Save as .mscz file (by typing 'mscz' over the 'zip'), then open.
2. Unzip, then open the file. (If I try 'open', MuseScore does not recognize the zip file.)

See attachment, showing http://musescore.org/node/23480

I'm running Windows XP sp3, MuseScore 1.3



Thanks for reporting this issue. Last week the musescore.org site was migrated to a new hosting facility. As a result, we lost the mime types for mscz and mscx. I'll have a look if I can restore them.

Read more at dev-list.musescore.org/MuseScore-org-site-migration-td7578430.html

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'd rather see an attempt to upload a "mscz," file produce an error, one that specifically directed users to the correct file. After all, in many cases, the backup version won't demonstrate the problem, because it won't contain the most recent changes. And it would be best if people were made aware of this on upload so they don't repeat the mistake in the future, with perhaps worse consequences (eg, trying to share the backup version with others outside the forum).

In reply to by Thomas

Whatever the message is, it should probably point out that Windows in its default settings hides know extensions and ".mscz" is one of them, while ".mscz," is not. I guess that is the main reason we're seeing them here.
And with 2.0 that won't happen anymore, as those backup files are hidden there, and user who know how to unhide them most probably won't confuse them ;-)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Oh, wow, really? I forget that some people don't immediately turn off the "hide known extensions" option, or that that means they'd see the "mscz," but not the "mscz".

Still, no need to overwhelm people with info. I'd say maybe something like:

Warning: MuseScore files ending in a comma (".mscz,") are backup versions of your scores. The original score will have the same name but no comma. If you are on Windows and have (name of option) set, then the filename will display without the ".mscz".

Then give them option of backing out or continuing, just in case someone really must upload a backup.

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