I hope that the timbre of each instrument will sound as they should in future versions of MuseScore

• Aug 15, 2009 - 04:30

I have installed Version 0.9.5, the only thing that I am concerned about is that, in version 0.9.5, all instrument's has the same timbre, I hope in future versions of this product, each instrument will have different timbre, and they should sound at their own color.
Shaun Zhang


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I have been composing for some time now using the existing piano soundfont. However, I would dearly love to compose for ensembles and maybe even full orchestra. My problem is that (even though I've read the MuseScore Manual), I don't seem to be able to open or use the other instruments in the soundfont. I can set up for writing a score using a seperate stave for each instrument, but I can't get their sounds......all I get is piano. I am not very computer literate and I need some simple instructions on how to get the full soundfont working........Is there any chance that you could help me please?

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