Where is my music from the previous MuseScore version?

• Aug 4, 2017 - 23:51

My MuseScore music from the previous version is no longer there! Is there a way to get it back? I have PDF files, but I need to edit them and so need my MuseScore files, which have disappeared!


The directory above your current scores (probably called scores) is probably called MuseScore 2, the directory above that will have another directory call MuseScore (with no number after it). There should be a directory with the same name under it (probably called scores). Your version files should be in there.

In reply to by mike320

I don't have any current scores. I don't see anything called a directory. When I click on "Open," it is blank. When I search my old titles on my computer (Windows 10), only the PDF files show up, no MuseScore files. The old version of MuseScore is not in my Control Panel. I tried uploading the files from PDF to MuseScore using the service at https://musescore.com/import?showoptions=true and my uploaded files show in a list, but I don't know how to get to them in MuseScore. Is there any hope?

In reply to by Lisa Bolin Hawkins

A :directory" is also called a "folder". It's not some special MsueScore, it's a basic part of your computer. Every file you save goes into a folder. You just need to figure out out which folder you saved your files into, and tell MuseScore to look in that folder. If you are on Window, and you are not really familiar with the idea of folders, then probably you saved everything in the past to the special Windows folder called "Documents" or "My Documents". To tell MuseScore to look there, look at the left side of the dialog, you'll see a list of folders and other locations. Look around until you see the one called either "Documents" or "My Documents" and click it.

If you need help, you might doing a general web search for basic information on folders and how they work in Windows.

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