How do I change the barlines from 16 (default) to 8?

• Aug 6, 2017 - 00:37

I have just started to mess around with this great software.
I was playing and facing a learning curve, but now I thought I would come here and ask.

From a start... I will just redo a simple score I have in a sheet. But it has only four bars (four spaces) on each staff. How to reduce the 16 automatically to 8?

Is there a way?

Thank you.


I'm not sure what you are trying to reduce from 16 to 8. It sounds like you have measures on a line and want to change this. I suspect the score you have has lime breaks in it. You can use the Edit menu and choose tool -> add/remove line breaks to remove the line breaks. I recommend this before starting to enter music. The number of measures in a line will change as you enter music, because the measures will automatically (of necessity) become longer as notes are added. After the score is entered, you can format the score and add appropriate line breaks if you are not happy with the results. The handbook tells you all about formatting your score. I suggest reading the sections on note entry and voices first. This will enable you to get started entering a score. After that read about formatting your score so you can format it to your liking.

In reply to by mike320

Okay, I understand. I think I need to make myself a little bit more specific on the issue. This is going to be with an image I am attaching.

The left side is the editor, in which I am trying to copy the RIGHT side, which is a PDF. Note that the PDF, the score is distributed in 6 grand staffs, with eight "spaces", divided by lines (I just can't remember how the musical terminology for that thing now in English) i think it's a compass. So they are all aligned.

That is what I want to achieve in the music sheet. As far as adding notes and stuff, I think I'm starting to get it!

Thank you for your kind reply.

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In reply to by quantik

I see now. You want the lines in your score to match the PDF you are copying. What you call "spaces" are called measures in English. You can insert a line break after the eighth measure. It is located in the breaks and spacers palette. You can either select the measure and double click the line break icon, or drag the icon to the last measure you want on the line.

In reply to by quantik

Also, if you want every line to have the same number measures, instead of adding breaks one by one, you can use Edit / Tools / Add/Remove Line Breaks to do it all at once.

BTW, not to confuse things further, but what musicians in the US call "measures", musicians in the United Kingdom call "bars". Actually, we use that term in the US as well, but it's seen more as "slang", whereas we see "measures" as the "official" term.

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