Forum: Show indicator of any new replies, not (just) new posts

• Aug 9, 2017 - 16:24
S5 - Suggestion
won't fix

In the main forum page, we see an indicator of new posts, same as before. But I've always found this not as useful as it could be, since it doesn't account for new replies to existing posts. Meaning I still need to enter a forum to see if there is anything new, if it isn't obvious from the "last post" time (which does appear to include replies, not just new top level posts).

Could the indicator be changed to show "(X) new/updated posts"?


Maybe we're not talking about the same thing, but I'm not seeing any change.

On the main forum page (, right now i see for instance for Technology Preview, "1 new post". And yet if I actually visit that forum, I see there is actually one totally new top-level post but also 6 new replies to an existing post. I expect the main forum page to report that Technology Preview has "1 new post, 6 new comments" or perhaps *2 new/updated posts". not just "1 new post". Furthermore, once I visit the forum, the new post is not marked in any way as being new - apparently because it has no comments. I only know it's new because it happens to be on top of the list since it is more recent than any comment. That's how I was fooled last time - I kept being told on the main page there was 1 new post in General Discussion, but nowhere on the page for that forum was the actual new post identified as such. Only new comments get indicators, not new posts. And the new post was buried about six down in the list, not in any way identified as being new since it had no comments.

Worse, the Feature Request forum right now that only has updated comments but has no new posts, and therefore there is no indication on the main page whatsoever that there is anything for me to check out. Again, only by actually visiting the forum do i find out there are actually two posts with updated contents (4 new comments on one post, 2 on another). Again, I'd expect the main forum page to tell me "6 new comments" or "2 new/updated posts".

So whatever has improved, I'm not seeing it. The original issue still exists.

Status (old) active won't fix
Status active won't fix

Unfortunately this is not possible as it's too intensive to calculate. As Jojo advised hopefully the /tracker helps as a solution.