No separate properties dialog for System- and Staff Text

• Jan 25, 2014 - 18:28
S4 - Minor
  1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).
  2. Right-click the (system) text.

Expected result: The menu name is 'System Text', whilst a menu item and its window title say 'System Text Properties…'.
Actual result: They say 'Stave Text' and 'Stave Text Properties…' respectfully.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (d65c722) - Mac 10.7.5 and (dfabf91) - Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit


$ grep -I staff text" */* 2>nul
libmscore/element.cpp: ElementName("StaffText", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("elementName", "Staff Text")),
mscore/actions.cpp: QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("action","Staff Text"),
mscore/actions.cpp: QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("action","Add staff text")
mscore/menus.cpp: sp->append(st, tr("Staff Text"));
mscore/propertymenu.cpp: popup->addAction(tr("Staff Text Properties..."))->setData("st-props");
mscore/stafftext.ui: MuseScore: Staff Text Properties

$ grep -i "system text" */* 2>nul
mscore/actions.cpp: QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("action","System Text"),
mscore/actions.cpp: QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("action","Add system text")
mscore/exportly.cpp: -- become clear on the difference between system text and staff
mscore/menus.cpp: sp->append(st, tr("System Text"));

This confirms that there is no separate properties for System- and Staff text,

Attachment Size
System Text Properties.mscz 1.5 KB


Could get 'fixed' by changing
mscore/propertymenu.cpp: popup->addAction(tr("Staff Text Properties..."))->setData("st-props");
mscore/stafftext.ui: MuseScore: Staff Text Properties
mscore/propertymenu.cpp: popup->addAction(tr("Staff/System Text Properties..."))->setData("st-props");
mscore/stafftext.ui: MuseScore: Staff/System Text Properties
but I'm not sure this would be the way to go?

Not sure it makes sense to address this separately from the other similar cases where the menu and dialog give generic names rather than specific ones - eg, the Lines dialog used for ottavas et al.

What you mean by "I've done it that way via the translation now" ?
Please do NOT use the english translation to solve this kind of problems. If something needs to be change, let's do it in the code.

I can submit a PR with the 'real' fix, just wanted to check, via the translations, whether it looks OK to me (it does) and possible others.

There are some issues we can't really solve in the source, like the b/# stuff in CPP files (but indeed this issue here is not one of them)