How to combine odd bars rests with multibar rests

• Jan 27, 2014 - 10:16

Rest Bar issue.jpg Hi
When I create parts from my score, I end up with odd bars rests next to a multi bar rest. See the (hopefully) attached example.
How do I a) join them up and
b) prevent it from happening in the first place
Hmmm just looking at it now, is it because there's a rehearsal mark in the first bar?



Rehearsal bars should cause the previous MM rest to break, but the rehearsal letter would normally appear at the start of a new MM rest, not in a measure unto itself here. So my guess is, that measure is not as empty as it appears. In fact, I am pretty sure that's the case just from the picture you posted. The fact that the apparent full measure rests don't line up vertically suggests that these are not in fact full measure rests, but manually inserted whole rests that you attempted to center manually. My guess is that if you selected that bars in both staves and hit Delete, your manually inserted rests would be go away and then the measure would be truly empty and would join up with the following MM rest. As usual, though, posting the score is better than posting a picture of it.

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