Category change? Or adding an extra symbol in 'Lines'.

• Feb 10, 2014 - 12:51

As a classical guitar player and making scores in MuseScore,
I often use the vertical hook, which is placed in the 'Arpeggio&Glissando' category,
to denote that the first LH finger should cover as many strings as the hook shows.
This is common in classical guitar notation.
But when playing back the score, MuseScore interpret this as an arpeggio and plays it that way.
I find this a little bit annoying and place a request that in a next version (2?) there will be the same hook available in the 'Lines' category.
Hope this request will be honoured.


You can avoid hearing the arpeggio during playback by entering one note of the chord in a separate voice. Then drag the vertical hook from the palette to that single note and stretch the hook by double clicking on it and dragging the 'edit handles' to include the barred notes in the chord.
See attachment.

Attachment Size
Vertical hook.mscz 2 KB

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