Grand Staff Linked with 8-String Guitar Tablature?

• Aug 27, 2017 - 14:37

I'm trying to create a grand staff linked with an 8-string guitar tablature

I've been playing around with the instruments and staff properties windows, and creating new scores with various properties to try to accomplish this – but can't figure it out. Is this possible? Does anybody have any idea of how to do this?

Thank you in advance for your kind help


Once you have the linked staves, you can right click the staff with notes and select staff properties. You can then click the "String data" button to add the strings you need. The tablature staff should automatically expand to 8 lines.

Just to be clear, I am trying to make it so that when I input a note in the staff a corresponding note is input automatically in the tablature, and/or vice versa

In reply to by iamspencermoore

Earlier you mentioned 'grand staff'...
Do you mean that, due to it's extended range, the 8-string guitar requires both a treble clef staff and a bass clef staff (like a piano), and you wish to link these 2 staves to a single 8-string TAB staff?


You want a piano score (written on a 'grand staff') to be linked to an 8-string guitar TAB staff?

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