Two instruments with different numbers of lines in one score

• Feb 23, 2014 - 19:02


in Czech forum was recently posted question concerning the possibility of second instrument with one staff line (percussion) following behind the first 5 line staff (for example guitar). The reason is, that when changing the staff properties, all staff is affected. And adding new instrument leads to placing it just below the first one, connected into one system.

Is it possible to achieve with MuseScore at all? Or I should ask, where was it answered in English forum in the past (link to that topic would be appreciated).

If anybody knows, how to do it, please, respond to this topic and I would forward the knowledge further in Czech forum.



In reply to by Shoichi

Yes, thanks. Now I realize, that this is the case, where I've read about the usage of this function in the past, probably in other answer to this type of question. And because I translated the User manual, I should easily spot this to the chapter about formatting and layout, where it is described. :-) I haven't just realized the possibility to use it for such a special case.

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