Delete a handbook page

• Mar 17, 2014 - 13:54

I created this book article on slash notation. It is really pointless; there is a plugin for that, and i didn't know that.
It has been translated into other languages too. Find it here:

Is it possible to delete that article before more people look at it and don't use the plugin instead?


FWIW, I like your page, and I wrote the plugin :-). Installing the plugin is the way to go for anyone who will be doing this a lot, but having specific instructions to do it manually isn't a bad thing. Just link to the plugin, too. That's my suggestion, anyow.

In reply to by xavierjazz

I wil link to the plugin much earlier in the artice.
The way it is currently:
Someone looks up the interweb to see how to slash; finds the article; works through it, arrives at bottom; sees there is a plugin -> BAM.
So I will make this less of an april fools joke.

@Marc: awesome plugin, by the way! I use it a lot.

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