File browser

• Mar 25, 2014 - 09:16

Is there any option to choose which file browser dialog shall be used by MuseScore? In 1.3, the system-wide file browser was used by default, which I would also prefer for the current github build.

Thanks for your reply!

b6b565f | Linux


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks for the hint - I'm not sure however whether this is about the same thing, since this thread discusses themes, i.e. the look of the application, while I simply wish to integrate MuseScore better into my desktop by using the standard file chooser (bookmarks etc.).

In reply to by jschwalm

" I'm not sure however whether this is about the same thing,..."

It has everything to do with the same thing! The native file browser dlg is no longer available in MuseScore because a decision has been made -- months ago -- to inhibit the native theme.

Not inhibiting it might have the added bonus to allow theming and skinning (which was discussed at length in the quoted link; I do not know the details and I care little), but the main point is that it would allow to use the native OS dlg boxes.


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