uploading scores onto spotify

• Sep 12, 2017 - 08:55

my friend who introduced me to musescore uploaded all her musescore scores onto spotify. how do i do this?


There is no automatic functionality built into MuseScore for that.
Go to File → Export… and select one of the audio formats (such as mp3 for example). This will allow you to save the audio locally on your own computer.
Then go to spotify and upload your music.

Its not that easy as the comment above says, I have uploaded some pieces Ive made using musescore on spotify! HOW?? Well first you need to make sure that ypu export the scores audio, one youve done that, the next step is to find a music distribution company, in my case I used Routenote cause its cheap, you dont have to pay for the upload neither the distribution, they keep 15% of your reproduction royalties btw so its not free but its not very expensive. You can follow a tutorial on how to upload your music to ROUTENOTE, they last like one month on approval, and then like 1 - 2 weeks to distributed it on spotify! YOU CANT JUST GO TO SPOTIFY.COM AND UPLOAD YOUR MUSIC, BECAUSE THATS NOT THE WAY IT WORKS!!

This is the artist profile routenote made me: https://open.spotify.com/artist/31YlAtbALN837oLhQM4oMg


Hope this helps you! Whish you Luck!!

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