Embedding MIDI messages in MuseScore files

• Oct 1, 2017 - 10:54

I am the author of Analysing Classical Music: An Introduction, a new online course from Oxford University.


As part of this course I have produced an analytical score of a melody by Mendelssohn for which I wanted to mark passages of the melody with brackets under the score. Whereas in Sibelius I could add lines that were just lines, in MuseScore the only lines available to put under the score seem to be pedal lines and so these lines are adding unwanted sustain effects to the score.

For the future it would be good if MuseScore could offer a wider range of lines but for now I would be happy just to switch off the sustain effects with the lines that I have got. Is there a way of adding MIDI controller messages to a MuseScore file such that I could switch off the sustain effect? I have tried typing in:

~C64, 0

but that had no effect.

The file is attached. Any suggestions gratefully received!

Jonathan Darnborough



There are other lines available, also a simple plain line, with no playback effect which you could use and modify to have hooks and be below the staff.

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