In Rhythm entry mode the "dot" stays selected after entering a duration

• Oct 1, 2017 - 20:01

I really like entering scores in Rhythm entry mode, and then rePitching. It works so much faster. But I have only one gripe: the "dot" is seen as some sort of "mode", that is to say, when you enter a dot on the keyboard and then enter a numeric for a duration, the dot stays active. You have to push "dot" on the keyboard again to enter the next non-dotted note. I find that a bit of a nuisance. Could we just lose the dot after we enter the duration. Better yet, add a config-item choosing "persisting dots [on/off]".

I think the dot, logically, is part of ONE duration not a "mode" you get in, like "I'm now entering a bunch of dotted notes until I switch it off again". Any thoughts?


I agree, I complained about it when it came out, but when it wasn't fixed I made sure the handbook explained that the outcome is different than entering scores.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It is normal in Step Time for the dot to stay in effect as long as the duration is the same such as "5 . A B" for 2 dotted 1/4 notes. When entering the rhythm this becomes backwards ". 5 5" The dotted duration stays in effect in both cases. The problem arises whey you want to enter a series of notes such as "5 . A 4 B C D" in Step time you get a dotted 1/4 followed by 3 1/8 notes. When enter Rhythms pressing ". 5 4 4 4" gives you a dotted 1/4 followed by 3 dotted 1/8 notes. This is rarely the desired outcome no matter what the meter. You must rather explicitly turn off the dot by pressing the series ". 5 . 4 4 4" to get a dotted 1/4 followed by 3 1/8 notes. The change in the effects of the dots is not intuitive at all. I think consecutive dotted notes are far less common in every meter and the best way to enter multiple dotted 1/4 notes in Rhythm input would be to press "5 . 5 ."... The 1/4 note is entered, pressing the dot acts as though you pressed shift-w in Step Time input. But the person who programmed it said they did what they did and it is done.

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