Add proporptional notation option as in LilyPond.

• Oct 5, 2017 - 00:31

Please consider adding an option to display notation proportionally, as in LilyPond.
"LilyPond supports proportional notation, a type of horizontal spacing in which each note consumes an amount of horizontal space exactly equivalent to its rhythmic duration. This type of proportional spacing is comparable to horizontal spacing on top of graph paper. Some late 20th- and early 21st-century scores use proportional notation to clarify complex rhythmic relationships or to facilitate the placement of timelines or other graphics directly in the score. "…

I have attached an example produced with Lilypond. Lilypond's output is not entirely accurate. The 16th triplets, for example, are not quite proportional in duration. However for the most part the notes do line up correctly with the grid (table columns)

Sam Miller

Attachment Size
Xote Swing Grid.pdf 57.17 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

[EDIT] Forgot to look at the screenshot: indeed MuseScore should do this already when speaking about aligning the same measure of different instruments in the same system.

Original response:
Well.. only within a system (if no stretch is modified) and partially; even within that system a measure with a single whole note (4/4 time) will take up less horizontal space than having it filled with 1/8th notes.

A partial/possible workaround is to enter the smallest note value all over the score in a free voice and make that invisible/unplayable so it only affects spacing.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I thought Musescore followed classical engraving, for example, borrowing horizontal space from a half note to conserve horizontal space across the measure as a whole? Does Musescore switch to proportional when there is more than one instrument or staff in a system? I'll have to superimpose a grid on top of an exported Musescore score image to check out the proportionality of a single vs multiple staff system.

In reply to by frfancha

'Proportional' here is to be taken literally such that you can read the rhythm using a tape measure without paying attention to note heads or beams. The traditional way is more like logarithmic (not strictly but a half note does not occupy twice the horizontal space of a quarter note but just enough more space to signal that it is longer).

In reply to by azumbrunn

Yes, I agree about your comment about not needing exact proportionality. It is particularly not nice though to see 3 or 4 equal notes, some crammed next to each other and others an inch or more apart in the one phrase. (It would help if I could move the notes sideways with the mouse!)

In reply to by Geoffrey Higges

I am not understanding. Where are you seeing "random spacing regardless of the note length"?> you have some score that demonstrates some sort of issue? If so, please start a new thread andf attach the score you are having trouble with. In general, though, spacing is proportional in MuseScore exactly according to standard music engraving practice.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I don't understand either but here two hypotheses:
1. The spacing varies somewhat from line to line because line breaks are always at the end of a full measure. This "inequality" can become quite extreme in the rare case of a very long measure (i.e. lots of 16th or even smaller note values) being forced onto the next line. So "random spacing" though not literally "next to each other".
2. In a score (actually all that is needed is two or more voices, even on a single staff) one voice can have small note values against some larger values in another voice in some situations but not in others. Then you get widely spaced larger notes where the second voice is busy and small spaced ones where the second voice is lazy. Not random of course but the difference can be quite extreme.
Of course neither of these "problems" is specific to Musescore.

I have been working with Musescore quite a bit for quite some time now and have never seen anything like truly random spacing. This thread though is about something different anyway: An unusual way of spacing the notes which is useful only in exceptional situations but might still be worthwhile considering as a feature.

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