Why do tuplet stem lengths differ when starting with 1/8 note rest?

• Oct 6, 2017 - 05:26

If you compare the tuplet stem lengths of the ago-go parts in the second and forth bars compared to the other parts in the attached score, you will see that the stem lengths are longer when the tuplets start with a 1/8 rest. This is particularly noticeable in the second bar of the second system after the section break. See how the triplet stem length of the rim shot is much shorter, which starts with two 1/16 rests, than the stem length of the triplets/sextuplets of the ago-go parts, which start with an 1/8 rest, in the same bar? Why is that? Interestingly, non-tuplet beamed notes which start with a 1/8 rest do not have this issue (see rimshot staff of first system). I would prefer that the tuplets beginning with an 1/8 rest be as short in stem length as the tuplets that contain 1/16 rests?

Thanks, Sam

Attachment Size
Alberti_DBZ_Xote.mscz 36.19 KB


This score is corrupt
Measure 1 Staff 10 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 56/96
Measure 2 Staff 6 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 52/96
Measure 2 Staff 8 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 52/96
Measure 2 Staff 10 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 56/96
Measure 3 Staff 10 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 56/96
Measure 4 Staff 8 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 52/96
Measure 5 Staff 10 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 56/96
Measure 6 Staff 6 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 52/96
Measure 6 Staff 10 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 56/96
Measure 7 Staff 10 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 56/96
Measure 8 Staff 8 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 52/96
Measure 8 Staff 10 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 56/96

In reply to by cadiz1

Thanks for checking Jojo-Schmitz. And thank you Cadiz for the link. I do recall noticing some of the behavior described in the #202271 bug report when I copied and pasted sextuplets, which I did numerous times.
Interestingly, at one point the last barline disappeared in each of the systems and I couldn't get it back within Musescore. I had to manually "find and replace" the mscx file to remove some odd inserted code. Perhaps the sextuplet corruption bug had something to do with it?

What does "Expected: 2/4; replacing with 56/96" mean?

Looks like I'll need to follow these instructions to restore my file?
"How to fix a score that contains corruptions "

In reply to by Sambaji

"Looks like I'll need to follow these instructions to restore my file?"
Indeed, and in this case, the better way is to delete the content (Del) of these measures and to re-write them (I did it for the first involved measure ie: measure 1, staff 10: 1Alberti_DBZ_Xote(1).mscz ), and so, without copy-paste afterwards.

NB: about the " last barline disappeared in each of the systems" : it's likely unrelated. If you can developp in which circumstances/steps this occurs (and reproduce that), please do it.

In reply to by cadiz1


It looks like the longer stem length of tuplets that begin with beamed rests, which I was initially inquiring about is Musescore's normal default. Notice the longer stem lengths of the first beat in the un-corrupted second bar of the agogo compared to the same bar of the surdo part. When I beam the tuplet over the rest in the same measure of the Agogo v2 staff, the stem length increases as in the Agogo staff. In the attached image, I left it unbeamed so you can see the difference.


In reply to by Sambaji

The notes are not on the same pitch, and that does indeed have influence on the length of the stems, as mentioned earlier in a related thread (which I can't find currently, but I'm sure to have seen it, very recently)
This doesn't seem to make much sense though for single line staves.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

When I do make the pitches the same in the ago-ago part, as long as the first rest in the tuplet is still beamed, the stem lengths of the tuplet are still longer? Once I unbeam the rest, the stem length shortens as with the 2nd measure triplet in the Agogo v2 staff, which is the length that I want with the beamed-rest tuplet.

In reply to by Sambaji

Beaming rules are extremely complex and rather subjective. MuseScore implements an algorithm that is guided by a number of factors, including the number of notes in the beam, whether that are all the same pitch, the difference pitches of first and last note, etc. The idea is to optimize for certain common specific cases, and then extrapolate from there to produce reasonable results in other cases as well. This does mean sometimes changing something that seems like it shouldn't matter ends up having an effect. It's not ideal, to be sure, but these kind of artifacts are to some extent unavoidable given our basic approach here.

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