Cannot add notes to measures

• May 10, 2014 - 07:56
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

I have a sequence of five empty measures in the middle of my piece that display no rests in them, and I cannot add notes or edit these measures in any way. I don't recall changing any settings that would have caused this, and the problem doesn't appear anywhere else in the piece.

I attached a screenshot to this post for reference.

Attachment Size
musescore.png 52.42 KB


Could you try to reproduce the bug? This certainly needs more info about your piece.

Also, it seems a bit strange that the measures do not have rests by default, too.

Typically empty measures means those measures are corrupt and should be deleted and re-entered. But there might be others that are bad.

Which Version of MuseScore (1.3 won't recive further fixes, so please try to reproduce in a current nightly build , what OS and can you share the score (not just a Picture if it. I suspect some Kind of corruption)?
You'd better use the Support and bug reports Forum or, if this is for a nightly build, the Technology Preview Forum , the issue tracker is for establishged bugs.
Also don't assign an issue to yourself, unless you plan to fix it yourself

If it indeed is a corrupted score, usually the best way to fix it is to completly delete the affected measures (select, Ctrl-Del), add them back (Ins) and re-enter the content