Reset button always disabled for chord offsets in Inspector
Windows 7, GIT commit: d26a8df
1) open any score that contains notes
2) click a note
3) use Inspector to apply a *Chord* offset (horizontal or vertical)
4) press Reset button next to spin box
Result: nothing happens
Expected result: value resets
The resets on the *Element* offsets work just fine.
Thought it might be a really fix, but it will require some thinking - leaving it open for anyone else who wants to take a crack at it,
Turns out the reason for this is the same as the reason cross staff move info was not being saved: typo in Chord::propertyDefault(). My PR for #31536: Cross staff move information not saved also fixes the Inspector chord offset reset issue.
Fixed in…
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.