how to change to bass clef

• Oct 16, 2017 - 20:39

how can I change from Treble clef to bass clef on music that is already notated?

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Simply witéh PALET-CLES (in French).

Select first measure the stave you want, and double click the CLE icon.

If you have Pb too high or to low, change all the stave (select the first measure and Sélect + shift the last) and use CTRL+ up arrow or down arrow for one octave up or domwn

Changing the clef is easy enough, just add it from the palette. However, you have an additional problem you will need to correct - you actually entered the wrong notes. For instance, the first note in the first measure was almost certainly intended to be a "C" but you entered an "A", presumably because you didn't notice the clef was not what you intended and didn't hear it in the playback. So you will need to also change all the notes. Lukcily this won't be hard for a simple example like this. Select the contents of the staff and use Alt+Shift+Down to move the pitches down one line/space at a time until they are where you want them to be.

In reply to by mike320

That's why I said it was lucky it was a simple example :-). Unfortunately, an exact transposition by interval won't actually be correct, because the pattern of whole and half steps differs by clef. So if there accidentals present, one way or another you will need to fix things up by hand.

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