New Soundfont for Battery Percussion - APS Ultimate Battery 1.0! (Free DL Link - Expires Soon!)

• Nov 16, 2017 - 03:18

Greetings all!

I present to the MuseScore community, Adam Peter Shinn Ultimate Battery 1.0!

This is a brand new soundfont specially designed for use in MuseScore 2.0.

You can download it absolutely FREE here ->

Note: This is a free download link that WILL expire at the end of 5 days. No exceptions. I am only interested in gifting this to a handful of forum members for beta testing purposes. Afterward, this will be on sale for $50 per copy to the general public.

Here's what the soundfont sounds like:…

This took PLENTY of hours to put together! So if any of you are feeling gracious and would like to donate (which would possibly encourage me to make more soundfonts for this community), please tip me over here...

Look forward to hearing what you guys "drum" up with with it!



Sounds good! The sounds are great, I just have a comment about the tenor drums: drum 4 (the lowest one) sounds different than the other ones, and it has a brighter sound compared to the other drums. Also, will you be adding "skank" sounds for the tenor drums?

sometimes the drum 2 on tenors sound muted and then sometimes they sound fine. Is it a problem with the sound font or did i just do something wrong. Anything would be helpful
-Aaron (btw great sounds i love this soundfont!)

Thanks so much for sharing your new font with the MuseScore community! Might you be willing to extend the download deadline by another few days? It looks like I just missed the 5-day window! I would welcome the opportunity to try out the sounds. Thank you!

Hello all!

Thanks so much for those of you who were able to download the soundfont beta and also thanks to you who have left feedback.

I'm not sure if any of you who have already left feedback/comments will be notified of this message but I sure hope so. Apologies for responding late.

As some of you have alluded, it's not 100% complete. For example, there are tenor mutes but not full blown skank ring outs. It was built with expansion in mind, so while it doesn't have every detail yet, it certainly gets the job done and I know you guys will be happy with the result.

There is a full note and a mute for every unique tenor drum along with rim clicks for each unique drum too. Keep playing around with the note pallet at the bottom until you find the right sound for each note. Use the up and down keys in note edit mode. Also, check out the manual that was included in the download folder as it gives some helpful tips on making scores that both sound and look great. Don't ignore the demo files either as they contain most if not all of the possible sounds.

Unfortunately, at the moment I can't offer any more information on this product with regard to commercial availability. I am currently talking with a group about licensing the soundfont. I will keep this forum updated when I know more about the route my team will take and what it means for my own personal involvement moving forward.

Until then, PLEASE send me any of your compositions using the soundfont to Or post them in this thread so others can hear as well. I know MANY of you downloaded the beta so I would love to hear what you guys are working on!

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