copy from one score to another?

• Nov 21, 2017 - 05:59

can I select and copy 12 measures from one score and paste it into another score?


Open the two scores.
Click on the first tab (score) -> Select the measures you wish -> Copy
Click on the second tab (score) -> Select the destinate measure -> Paste

He held down ctrl (or cmd i think for mac) to get it to select more than one item.

I can't copy paste from the same document for some reason, cut removes the elements but when ya go paste nothing happens, is there somthing stupid that i'm doing?

In reply to by Shoichi

"He held down ctrl (or cmd i think for mac) to get it to select more than one item."

No sure to what you do exactly, but for select eg a sequence of 8 measures, you must do: click on the first measure, then Shift + click on the 8th measure.
Then, Ctrl (Cmd for mac) + C, for Copy, etc.

In reply to by Matthew Carven

As mentioned, Instead of ctrl (see: you can also use shift for a continuous range selection (see:

Select the range for example via ctrl or shift, cut (via menu, right click or shortcut ctrl+x) or copy (via menu, right click or shortcut ctrl+c), select the measure or the element, where you want paste it, paste it (via menu, right click or shortcut ctrl+v).

If this doesn't work for you please describe your steps to reproduce.

Just to be clear:

Ctrl+click is a way of selecting a list of elements, but not a range (which is defined roughly as "everything in between the start and end points"). Copy and paste normally requires a range to work. There are a very few things that can be copied and pasted as lists - articulations, lyrics, chord symbols, maybe one or two others. But you can lots of other things with list selection - anything in the Inspector, etc.

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