size of text in "Repeats & Jumps" and "Text" palettes

• Dec 7, 2017 - 15:54

I probably need new glasses, but...

Is there a way to increase the size of the text on the controls in these two palettes? It would be helpful to me if the text were at least as large as the tooltip associated with these controls (see attached image example).

Currently, I have to use the tooltip to know what the control's text says.


Attachment Size
text size example.png 10.5 KB


Right-click on a cell (eg on D.S. al Coda) > Properties -> In the Palette Cell Properties: Increase the value of "Content scale"
Eg, for a scale increased to 1.40 (instead the default 1.00), you get:


NB: you need to have a custom workspace for editing that.

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