Note entry with keyboard

• Feb 12, 2018 - 19:23

Stops working - sometimes closing and reopening works - but other times I have to restart the computer. Any ideas? Thanks.


Locate the fancy N icon on your toolbar. This indicate that you will enter notes with the keyboard. If note input stops, look at the location that had the fancy N and see if it has changed. I suspect it has something to do with that. You may have accidentally entered repitch input mode by pressing ctrl+shift+i.

You also need to start MuseScore after connecting and turning on your keyboard. So if you unplug your keyboard or turn off your at any point, you may indeed need to restart MuseScore.

it's also possible a MIDi message got dropped and MuseScore is waiting for a "note off" event that isn't going to happen. In which case, again, restarting should fix it.

If you are experiencing something other than this, then we would need a more detailed description of the exact situation in order to investigate further .

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