Clics and Pops Playback

• Mar 24, 2018 - 17:55

Hi, gang!!!

Time ago I posted here a rare MuseScore behaviour when it plays the scores through the "GeneralUser GS MuseScore v1.44.sf2" SoundFont file.

It is related with some clics, pops, lashing sounds on some note with some instruments (saxs, horns, etc).

Well... MAYBE... I found the solution.

I changed some parameters into the I/O section of the MuseScore Preferences.

Please, remember I use Linux (UbuntuStudio). So, I can not to guarantee you this is the same in Windows or Mac.

Into the ALSA Audio section, there is two parameters:
Fragments: I changed the 3 default value into 4
Period Size: I changed the 1024 default value into 2048

I don't know any about the "cryptical" work of that two parameters, but... In my case, the rare sounds dissapeared!!!

Of course, If someone can explain me why it is this way... Welcome!!!

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!

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