Shortcuts activate weird sound samples ?!

• Mar 25, 2018 - 10:08

Hello everyone,
I am new to Musescore and I was transcribing a piece this morning when I learned about shortcuts for irregular divisions (CTRL + 3, 4, etc). But as soon as I tried it, CTRL+3 played a sample "Ain't nobody got time for that". It did turned a single note into triplets, but the sample became really annoying the more I had to use the shortcut. So I don't if this is a running joke from the devs but is there a way to turn it off ?
By the way all the other shortcuts play even more annoying sound too..


Are you on a Mac? Is there a possibility that this is a defined shortcut on the operating system level causing this? I've never heard of this happening before. Do you have another song player with these songs on it that are being activated by the shortcut?

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