Cannot upload score

• Mar 28, 2018 - 07:26


I have treated the score attached like any other score, but this one won't upload. Apparently there is an empty bar or whatever. I tried to fix it, but to no avail.

Could you please assist me with this?



Indeed. Opening works fine with the 2.2. But not the uploading on

Observe that you get a crash by export this file (MusicXML original format) in the same format, ie by doing: File -> Export -> Type MusicXML -> Save
Result: crash

Strange, the "Save online" claimed to have been successful, but the score is not available on afterwards, there I see an error message "We're sorry but your score could not be processed." and when pressing the "Lern more" button I get:

Error message

MIDI file could not be generated. ERR_NO_SVG Score images could not be generated. Thumbnail could not be generated This may due to

  • Complete empty measures
  • Notes without stems
  • Last measure has no barline

In any of these cases, please remove the measures containing the problem and re-enter the notes. Once done, try to upload your file again.
If you need help, don't hesitate to upload your file in the MuseScore forum and the community will help you out. ERR_NO_SPACE_JSONP ERR_NO_SPACESEG ERR_NO_SPACESEG_JSONP No metadata file generated

I don't see any ot the issues mentione there in the score though

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks for paying attention to this. I checked all three bullets as metrics for the problem, but none of those occurred. Still it did not upload.

Then I started afresh with the .xml file. Then it uploaded.

Seems to be sorted now. Things don't always work as they should, I guess...


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

so it seems to me that if a score has a problem, it is desired behavior that the upload fails. However, it seems that when uploading your problematic score from musescore desktop program, the desktop program incorrectly reports that upload succeeds (even though the site actually reports failure):

Screenshot (219).png

So it seems to me that when user presses upload to "Save Online", that before presenting the Score Information uploader dialog, that musescore should first perform a check on the score to make sure it is valid first. If it isn't valid, then present information about how it isn't valid and don't let user complete upload until the score is fixed.

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