MIDI Output not driving external device (Roland BK-7M)

• Mar 30, 2018 - 11:25

I have just downloaded MuseScore 2.2 and I wanted to configure the MIDI output to drive my Roland BK7m. Under Edit/Preferences/I/O, it recognises MMSystem, BK-7M. I have selected, pressed OK and restarted MuseScore, but it always drives the Midi on my computer, not my BK-7M. Any idea why this might be and if I can fix it?


I can't say why your BK-7M might not be responding - can you verify if it is receiving data at all? But it is the case that MuseScore will still be playing through its internal synth even when using MIDI out. To disable that, go to View / Synthesizer and either delete the soundfont or pull the volume all the way down.

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