Vertical spacing of a line's end text. Updated with some image captures.

• Apr 4, 2018 - 19:43

Here is an update to a few concerns mentioned in the past. To re-iterate: if a user attempts to attach a special character or any character at the end of a line, it will be noticed that if a custom vertical placement is used that it won't be honored. I posted this originally @ which includes some little images of what I was attempting (a special hook at the end of an ottava-line). I filed an issue on this, and just recently I've been able to get QtCreator to compile with Qt 5.10.1 on my Linux Mint 'Sylvia' machine.

With that, I've fixed the issue and provided a link to the pull request through

I'm posting this mainly to provide some screenshots for reasons why this might be important for some special use cases: mainly special character arrows.

This is what you would get without any recourse to alignment:
Line - arrow (inappropriate).png

Here is with the vertical alignment calibrated:
Line - arrow (appropriate).png

A variation:
Line - arrow (appropriate 2).png

A hook on a line (the original request dealt with this)
Line - hooks (appropriate).png

Hooks on both ends - notice with this that there's a slight issue in that the horizontal spacing of the beginning text can't be relative to the line. That is, if you add some space to the horizontal spacing, it seems the text doesn't actually nudge closer to the line but has the line move in unison with it. This probably should be fixed for further calibration purposes if a user should want to. It should be an easy fix if it seems worth doing.
Line - hooks (appropriate 2).png

Finally, this of course will not rotate the arrow if the line be diagonal.
Line - Diagonal (maybe fix).png

But something like this can be achieved for now:
Diagonal (aligned).png

So there's no diagonal line with rotated arrows, but for now this is definitely nicer than before-hand without vertical alignment. It seems it would be possible to give an angle to the text related to the angle of the line with some tweaking. This might be easy to implement after looking at the Qt library a bit further with text properties and would allow for any type of text to be in alignment with the diagonal line. This really might be worth doing.

P.S. Thanks to the team who put together the manuals for building and Git instruction.



Nice work, thanks for tackling this! I guess there is also some support for a more "native" solution for line tips - that would presumably allowed diagonal lines to point correctly - but to me getting the text alignment to work is worth it in itself even if the native solution eventually gets implemented.

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