Numerous problems with 2.2.1, back to 2.1
MuseScore is a fabulous software. I am experiencing many different problems with 2.2.1, the way I use it, the few benefits of 2.2.x (if any) do not worth the loss of stability. I uninstalled it and I am now a happy user of 2.1
Some of the problems I had:
When I misdragged (my error with the mouse) a block of elements, MuseScore stops responding and close.
With a large score, it's slower to respond than 2.1
Sometimes parts of lyrics (hyphens or underscores) keep showing after delete, I have to close and reopen the score to clear it. Similar behavior with beats change (C instead of 4/4 or the short name of instruments), close and reopen to get it right on the screen.
I will wait for 2.2.2 of next major release. 2.2.1 is already an excellent product.
Or you can try a 2.3
In reply to Or you can try a 2.3 https:/… by Shoichi
Can you share your score showing:
1) "When I misdragged (my error with the mouse) a block of elements, MuseScore stops responding and
Eg, what you mean exactly by "block of elements"?
2) "Sometimes parts of lyrics (hyphens or underscores) keep showing after delete, I have to close and reopen the score to clear it.
Similar behavior with beats change (C instead of 4/4 or the short name of instruments), close and reopen to get it right on the screen."
Sometimes? More precisely?
In reply to Can you share your score… by cadiz1
1) To be honest I don't really know how I exactly does it because it's unintentional. Usually, what I am aiming to do is to select a few measures of lyrics to copy and paste. Right before MuseScore stops responding, it seams that I included more than lyrics while holding the shift key and Musescore behaves like I am about moving lyrics and something else (probably notes) but then it freezes. I restart and Musescore recovers with few losses if any. Just annoying.
2) I have a score with 5 voices (tracks, instruments) and over 50 measures. I changed the 4/4 beat for a C at the first measure and the result was weird with lot of space (about the size of an full blank measure. I closed and reopened and then things were right. For the hyphen, underscore problem, I realize that it was there in 2.1 as well. Let say you edit lyrics ending some words with an underscore and then you re-edit the same lyrics and remove the underscore, sometimes the underscore remains on the screen, no matter if you scroll the pages and come back the “ghost” underscore is still there. If I close and reopen the score the ghost is gone.
In reply to 1) To be honest I don't… by mecs99
Sounds like you are trying to use Shift+drag to select the lyrics, then? That does work, but isn't usually very efficient compared to other means, such as selecting a full range of measures, right-clicking one syllables, Select / All Similar Elements in Range Selection. But the Shift+drag method shouldn't crash obviously either. If you can attach a score and precise steps to reproduce, that would help. But I just tried and couldn't find any problems.
For #2, can you attach your score and steps to reproduce the problem? Not sure what you mean by "changed the 4/4 beat for a C at the first measure". Did you change the duration of a note? Change the time signature? Change the actual duration of that measure via Measure Properties?
Again, my guess is whatever you saw was just coincidence, as there were not really any changes in these areas.
In reply to Sounds like you are trying… by Marc Sabatella
If I understand correctly, the user replaced timesig
with timesig
in bar 1.
In reply to If I understand correctly,… by Louis Cloete
If so, that shouldn't have changed anything, and in order to understand what may have happened, we'd need to see the score in question and have steps to reproduce the problem. Again, 2.2 should be no different form 2.1 in this respect.
We'd need detailed bug reports for either of your issues in order to be able to fix xthem
Hmm, none of those sound like they are related to anything that actually changed. Could be just coincidence you saw problems in those areas after the update. At some point, hopefully you might be willing to try to reinstall 2.2.1 to try to verify if those problems still exist, and if so, give us precise steps to reproduce them.