Early music details – intro bars, hiding instrument names, ficta

• Apr 19, 2018 - 22:45

I'm going to bunch these together as they are arising within one period of repertoire.

Having just uploaded to my profile two motets by Gregor Aichinger (please consult if helpful), I would have preferred some other details:

1) How does one add introductory bars indicating original clefs etc, that one sees in so many early music editions?

2) Is it possible to hide (or change) instrument names partway through a piece after a section break? Appears to edit retrospectively in the piece, if one changes the stave details later on.

3) I am struggling to find out how to do editorial accidentals about the stave. There are some posts online but some details appear to relate to earlier versions of musescore and I'm wondering what is the latest. At present, I am putting editorial accidentals in rounded brackets, whereas square or above-the-score options would be more 'standard'.

Many thanks indeed.


1) you can insert pictures if you mean something like showing the notes on a timpani.

2) If you want instrument names before every system this is not worth the effort in my opinion. If you only want them at the beginning of a song, section or movemnet. you can make the Long Instrument Name empty, just delete it. You can then add a staff text, format it to look like instrument names and position it where you want it. BTW, this is the same method before every systems, but you would empty the Short Instrument Name and copy and pasted the names after you have set it up on one page.

3) If you select an accidental and look in the inspector (Press F8 if needed to see it) you will see a check box that says "Has bracket" which put the accidental in square brackets. I believe this was introduced in version 2.1.

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