split staff into several instruments
I am looking to re-instrument a "rock band" score into a symphonic score. I have a DrumSet where there are several drums and cymbals that I like to split into Timpani and Cymbals, triangles, etc. Other than doing this note-by-note, is there some way to map parts of an instrument like DrumSet into several other instruments?
Not sure without seeing the source, so maybe attache the score.
There is an explode tool, see: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/tools#explode
It's also possible to copy and paste separate voices of a staff via the selection filter, see: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/copy-and-paste#selection-filter
You could also potentially use options in the right-click menu Select / More to select all notes of a particular pitch to delete, if you've first started by copying the entire contents of a given voice to another staff.