Insert note with external MIDI controller in real-time

• Jun 19, 2018 - 10:33

Hi to all
I use Musescore for years and I always "write" notes on score, by hand. Now I would like to know if there is a way to be able to write all (and I emphasize "all") notes with a MIDI keyboard controller (CME Xkey), in sequence, as played. I looked through the settings but there is only the option, "manual and automatic real-time" play (and then write) a note to fit, then click on the next bar and playing the second note etc. There is a way to write notes while I'm playing? So you can have the entire score written by what I'm playing? I hope I was clear ...


It sounds like you want to play multiple notes and have the notes put onto different staves at the same time. This is not a realistic expectation since even on an instrument like the piano there is overlap in notes that are normally put onto each staff.

I think you are misunderstanding the real-time input options. They are not one note at a time, they really do let you play multiple notes in time and have MuseScore attempt to sort out the rhythms. So read the Handbook article on those modes again, watch the tutorial video, and try again.

But do realize, this is an extremely error-prone process unless your piece is very very simple. You will have to play carefully to avoid MuseScore notating what you actually played instead of what you meant to play :-)

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