Wrong bank number for Zerberus channels

• Jun 29, 2018 - 21:47
S4 - Minor

Discovered using the MDL extension, but would apply to any instrument files, scores, or templates that contain instrument definitions. Basically, if the channel definition is Zerberus, we should be setting the bank to 0, but we aren't, we are setting it to 128. The first obvious clue something is wrong is that the Mixer shows Standard drumkit. Probably other things would be off to, but playback isn't one of them - it seems to be fine.

Steps to reproduce:

1) install MDL extension
2) File / New
3) use MDL Snare template
4) View / Mixer

Result: drumset shows as Standard

If that is literally the only problem, maybe it's not worth the pain of a fix. But I have to suspect wrong bank would cause other problems somewhere.

Fix is simple and forthcoming.


Status (old) active patch (code needs review)
Status active  


I'm pretty confident the change is good - there is no way comparing the channel name (normally something like "normal", "arco", "mute", etc) against either "Fluid" or "Zerberus" could possibly work. It seems obvious to me this should be "synti" and not "name". But as for when we should be using bank 0 versus 128, that's black magic to me. I just made it so Fluid gets bank 128 and Zerberus 0, which I'm told is as it should have been all along.