export as .mid or .mp3

• Jul 2, 2018 - 22:48

Hi, for give me if this has been asked before but I can't see it anywhere.

I do a lot of folk tunes, and when you play them, you play them 3 times round.

So... when I 'Export' as a .mid or a .mp3.... I what it to record the tune 3 times.

Is this possible. to get around this, I have been entering the tune on the page 3 times... but this is a pain, even for short folk tunes.



In reply to by Harry_T_

So you want the 1st 3 measure being played three time too? Set the play count of measure 9 to 3 too.
Or do you want measures 1-9 play twice, then measures 10-18 play twice, that the whole thing again? Then leave the play counts at 2 and add a D.C. and set it's property 'with repeats'. still won't repeat the whole thing 3 times though, just 2 times.

In reply to by Harry_T_

Why? How?
MuseScore , and music in general, doesn't allow for nested repeats, which is what you seem to need here.
If you can't notate it to play correctly in MuseScore, the MP3 export won't work either (and how should it?)

Maybe you could add a 19th measure, make it as short as possible (irregular measure with 1/64) and have a 2nd D.C with repeats there.

Attachment Size
test.mscz 5.85 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes that works. I have been reeding up on D.C and D.S and repeats and loops. and it's all a bit 'messy'.

And if I am doing that, I might as well just add another 36 bars and do the 'highlight' and press 'r' twice and just have the music written out on the page 3 times.

Somewhere else, I have seen them export as midi, then open in a midi editor, paste it 3 times and then export to mp3. but it's all just 'more work'...

I am thinking there is not a simple way to do it.

Think I might just send in a feachers requets to musecore.. to add a loop feacher to the export side.
if they have a 'feachers requets' somewhere?

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