I can't get any "advanced" features from the palette to work

• Jul 22, 2018 - 15:53

I would like to use some of the articulations, arpeggios, and dynamics from the "advanced" section of the palette, but none of them seem to work. I have been composing for a piano piece and the only "advanced" feature I can get to work is the pauses. I put them in and the program does not play them.


In reply to by ranttila

Scoops are being worked on for version 3.0 when it's released. Nightlies in the master branch will eventually become version 3.0. One word of warning is that there is no guarantee a score made with a nightly today will ever open again, but you can test the new feature and comment on it if appropriate.

IOt is important to keep in mind that the primary purpose of MuseScore is notation, not playback. If the symbols appear in your score correctly, then they by definition "work". Only "some" of the markings also happen to play back. A few require you to set them up using the properties (right click menu) or Inspector.

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