Help with tuplet

• Jul 31, 2018 - 18:42

I've been trying to figure out to enter this specific nested tuplet into Musescore. Can anybody help? Thank you.


What is the outer tuplet's total duration? Might be a half note. Creating a triplet from a half note gives 3 quarter notes or 6 8th, then combining the last 5 of these 8th and creating a sextuplet from this would give 6 8th or 3 quarters, like your images shows
Problem is that there is no single duration worth 5 8th, so not way to create a tuplet from it

You can sort of get it to look like you want but it's not easy. It involves creating a 5/8 bar just to get that 6:5 tuplet, making some other bar length adjustments and moving a few things around then hiding some. You could also throw in a few invisible tempo changes to make playback less of a train-wreck that I have managed.

Attachment Size
Nested_32_65.mscz 11.93 KB

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