Stacking note ornaments

• Aug 22, 2018 - 20:44

I suggest (if It doesn't exist) that things added to a note be stacked (optionally). By this I mean, if you add an articulation to a note, then add a line to the note, the add a fingering to the note, that they each be added a definable space above the current top item on that note, so the above sequence would end up with a note with a dot, a line and then a 2 (for example) in that order stacked up above the note (head or stem depending on highest point).

I would also like to see an option that fingerings always be added at least high enough to clear the top staff line by a definable amount of space.

Those two features would save me enormous amounts of time, since all of my users prefer that fingering be above all else, and no longer than a small distance above the top staff line - never in the staff lines.



Indeed, the smart layout in 3.0 will do a better job of stacking ornaments and articulations. It's still nowhere near perfect, though. It's hard to imagine it ever getting to the point where you won't need to so some manual adjustments when there are more than two or three things attached to the same note - even if MuseScore avoids collisions by moving things out of the way, you likely won't always like how it moves them.

As for fingerings, is this for guitar or piano? There is a nice plugin already for 2.x to clean up positioning. I can't speak to how the results work for guitar, but for piano it goes a good job I think. See the Plugins section under Downloads in the menu above and look for "Fix Fingerings".

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